Overview: Case Management

The OPEN DISCOVERY Case Management module provides a solution for creating and structuring your Cases, Clients, and Managing Clients. Through Case Management you can:

  • Create and manage cases (projects) for discovery, review, and production

  • Create Managing Clients, Clients, and Code Names

  • Update settings for processing and review cases

  • Define and manage Import Series

About Clients and Managing Clients

Two levels of clients help you identify and manage cases:

  • Managing Clients

  • Clients

These are hierarchical, meaning Clients are assigned under Managing clients and you must create a Managing Client before you can create a Client.

Managing Clients provide a basis for case organization and tracking for organizations that perform work on behalf of other clients. For service providers, managing clients are the companies and firms the provider does business with. For law firms, the firm itself is often the managing client.

Clients provide a further level of identification and are typically reflective of whom the case is being hosted for. For law firms this may be the same as the managing client or may be individual clients; for service providers, different secondary clients may also be appropriate. Apply these client concepts to your company’s business configuration.

About Cases and Code Names

One you have created your Managing Clients and Clients, you can create and assign Cases. Cases allow you to organize your data and documents into individual eDiscovery projects, from in-place assessment through initial data ingestion, review and production.

Note: One legal case (e.g. "U.S. v. Smith") may be broken up into several OPEN DISCOVERY cases (e.g. "U.S. v. Smith Review", "U.S. v. Smith Processing", "U.S. v. Smith LIVE EDA.") Each OPEN DISCOVERY case has a specific function as defined in the table below.

In OPEN DISCOVERY, the following options exist for case creation:

LIVE EDA Case: A LIVE EDA case allows you to assess live data - residing in multiple and various live locations - by searching it in-place, from the OPEN DISCOVERY interface. By viewing and investigating the data before sending it to Review, you can ensure that the promoted data set is relevant.

Review Case
: A Review case allows you to import data and files for review and production.


Processing Case
: A Processing case allows you to ingest, process, and send data to Review. Processing cases can be submitted directly from OPEN DISCOVERY Self Service or Media Manager modules into the Review module. Processing cases are available in the eCapture application, but many processing settings may be configured in OPEN DISCOVERY in the Case Settings work area. See: Manage Settings for a Processing Case.

Code names and matter numbers

A code name (also called OPEN DISCOVERY Code Name or ECN) serves as a primary organizer for one or more related cases, as a shortened version of a very long case name, or for any purpose that will help you organize and recognize cases across all OPEN DISCOVERY products. Code names are created in OPEN DISCOVERY in conjunction with case creation in the Case Management module and serve to link processing and review cases together. Code names are managed in the OPEN DISCOVERY database and are available to all OPEN DISCOVERY products.

When defining a code name, a matter number can also be defined. The matter number is tied directly to the code name.

Note: A matter number is an additional internal identifier organizations may use to facilitate reporting. In OPEN DISCOVERY, assigning a matter number is optional and not required.

Case details

OPEN DISCOVERY cases are defined with many settings. Basic case details are defined (such as case name, application environment), and templates are used for many of the product-specific settings.

By default the following templates are used. These templates are part of the OPEN DISCOVERY installation, and are located by default in the installation location’s Program Files\Ipro Tech\Web\ ADDServices\App_Data folder.

DEFAULT Template

Used for...



  • Processing case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for OPEN DISCOVERY Processing discovery/processing jobs


  • Processing & Review case

Settings for OPEN DISCOVERY Processing export jobs


  • Review case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for OPEN DISCOVERY document evaluation and review (fields, tags, redactions, etc.)

Administrators can create templates from within each OPEN DISCOVERY product instead of the default templates or to replace the default templates.

Note: If you choose to replace the default templates, it is strongly recommended that you first save the original IPRO templates to an appropriate back-up/archive location.

See eCapture by IPRO for complete details on processing and export settings.

See Manage Review Case Settings for complete details on case settings

About Import Series

Import Series are also created and managed in the Case Management module. An Import Series is created in a Processing Case (a Review case also needs to be created) and contains the fields required for the metadata and the options for the BEGDOC number to be imported into a desired Review Case. The metadata and options include sequential image key numbers, volumes, and like export options (native files, fields, export formats, and so on). For full details see Overview: Import Series.


Related Topics

Create New Managing Clients and Clients

Create a New Case in OPEN DISCOVERY

Modify Settings for a Case

Overview: Import Series